Frankenstein, Chapter 21: Socratic Circle

Audience members: in the comments section of this post, make thoughtful observations about the conversation taking place in the "fishbowl."  Good observations will do the following:
  1. Identify when you agree/disagree with observations and specifically state why (ASRApt Specific Reference).  
  2. Observe what specific group members did that helped to 
    1. "propel" conversation forward, 
    2. respond to their group members, 
    3. and provide thoughtful observations.

Fishbowl members: students who do well in the "fishbowl" will do the following:

  1. Come to discussion prepared, having read and researched materials beforehand.
  2. Work with peers to promote a civil, democratic discussion, set clear goals, and establish individual roles. 
  3. Propel conversations forward by posing and asking questions that probe reasoning and ask for evidence. 
  4. Respond thoughtful to diverse perspectives, synthesize (combine) comments, claims, and evidence, resolve contradictions, and investigate meaning. 


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