Alan Moore Research Portfolio

Exit Ticket:
In today's class, you received your assignment sheet for your next research portfolio on Alan Moore (here) and a daily schedule (here). After we have discussed the portfolio and research requirements, please take a few minutes to write what topic you are interested in for the next portfolio.


  1. I'm thinking about writing my portfolio on the importance of the concept of time in Watchmen. I think that this topic would allow me to tie in the "deliberate sequence" definition of comix.

  2. I'm planning on writing my portfolio on the topic of time. Within that, I am thinking of writing about the definition of time, the perception of time, and the importance of time in Watchmen. The topic will enable me to incorporate the ideas of "juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence" and "amplification through simplification" with the scenes surrounding Jon.

  3. For my portfolio, I would like to compare and contrast different characters in Watchmen, proving what makes "heros" not actually heros at all. All of the characters within this story have major flaws.

  4. I plan to examine the concepts/themes of masks, identity, and costumes in my portfolio, particularly comparing and contrasting how they relate to V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and the real world. Additionally, I might explore how the comic form builds upon these ideas in ways that a prose novel could not.

  5. I would like to write about the reoccurring theme of nostalgia throughout Watchmen in my portfolio. I believe it will easily tie into Scott McCloud's ideas and definitions of comics with the images that appear frequently in the book. The story's plot is only able to move forward because the characters start to look back on their lives. I would like to incorporate the historical background of nostalgia within the essay.

  6. I would like to talk about the definition of the superhero comic, and whether Watchmen is one and what it points out about superhero comics.

  7. I would like to talk about how costumes in Moore's books relate to the characters' identities and discuss the similarities and differences between each of the characters. To do so, I would like to discuss characters from both books, and possibly bring up how the movies changed the costumes and how this worked with the characters

  8. I would like to write about the topic of time in general, along with how it can effect people and possibly the nostalgia the characters feel as well. The jumps between the flashbacks and the current time would be a good example of juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence.

  9. I want to talk about how time influences everything and the overall importance of it, as well as talking about the what and why of time within both the books and real life.


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